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I don't see any courses in the learning area, what should I do?

In this case, the person who manages the training courses in your company has unenrolled you from a course. So please reach out directly to your internal contact person to solve the problem.

How do the courses work?

In the learning area, you can see all the courses you have been enrolled in. Click on ‘My courses’ to see an overview of all your courses. There you can see which courses you have already completed, and which are still pending. Click on a course to go to the course overview. There, click on ‘Start course’ to start the course in the language of your choice.

What happens if I don't pass the course?

You have an unlimited number of attempts to complete the course. So don't worry if you don't succeed the first time. We do not keep track of failed attempts; you will be shown in the system with the status ‘Course started’ until you have successfully completed the course. Our courses are not designed to trip you up, but to train you in important topics relating to Cyber Security, Data Protection, Compliance and Occupational Safety. So, if you study the content attentively, you shouldn't have any problems with the final test.

I've passed my course, and now what?

Congratulations, well done! 😊 Your completion is automatically recorded in the background. The person responsible for training in your company who has enrolled you in the course will see that you have successfully completed the course. You can now create your course certificate within the course. To do this, click on ‘Create certificate’ → ‘Your course certificate’ → ‘ View certificate’. Your certificate (PDF) will then be downloaded. If you see other courses under ‘My courses’, you can tackle them next.

What happens if I don't complete the course?

You will receive annoying reminder e-mails at regular intervals reminding you to complete the course. To avoid this, it is best to attend the course as soon as possible and complete it. We're sure you'll learn something new, even if it's not your first course on the respective topic.

How do I log in to the learning area?

As an admin: As the person who has purchased and manages the training courses, you must also enroll in a course yourself in order to be able to log in to the learning area and gain access to the course content. You will then also receive the invitation e-mail for the course and can use it to log in. The login details are the same as those you use for the awareness platform.

As a participant: The link in your invitation e-mail will take you directly to the learning area. There you log in with your e-mail address and a one-time password. As soon as you enter your e-mail address when logging in, the platform will send you a one-time password that you can use to log in. The next time you log in, you will receive a new one-time password.

How do I access my courses?

As soon as you have been enrolled in a course, you will receive an invitation e-mail with all information and a link to your course. You can keep the e-mail so you can access your course again later, or you can save our learning area as a bookmark in your browser:

Can licenses be removed or transferred?

Yes, licenses can be removed from employees as long as they have not yet been used. This is, for example, relevant when employees leave the company and new employees join the company.

When is a license considered 'used'?

A license is 'available' if it has not yet been assigned to an employee.

A license is 'used' as soon as the employee in question has started at least one course. Once the license has been 'used', a license can no longer be removed or transferred. At the end of the current contract period, a new contract period automatically starts (without prior cancellation). From then on, all assigned licenses are considered 'unused' again.

How can I increase/decrease my license quota?

The license quota can be increased/reduced. Please contact our support team for this:

The contact period remains unchanged when changing in the license quota. Any increase during the contract period comes into effect immediately. A reduction during the contract period will only take effect in the next term.

How long is the contract period? What happens after the license quota has been increased?

The contract period is 12 months. If the license quota is subsequently increased, the period remains unchanged.

Example: A company buys the Professional Plan for 50 employees on April 1, 2024. The contract period starts on April 1, 2024 and ends on March 31, 2025. The company is now increasing the number of licenses included in the plan to 60. The contract period of the plan remains from April 1, 2024 until March 31, 2025.

How do the licenses / the number of employees work?

Your plan grants an annual quota of licenses. Each license gives an employee access to all training areas that are included in the plan.

Example: A company has purchased the “Professional” plan for 50 employees and has chosen the “Data Protection” and “Cyber Security” training areas. This means that 50 employees can obtain a license and can therefore be enrolled in courses.

How do I add a license to an employee?

It's simple: automatically. A license is automatically added to employees when they are enrolled in their first course. That means:

a) You do not consume licenses when employees are created. Only when they are registered for the first time, licenses are assigned

b) No matter how many courses an employee is enrolled in, only one license is required per user


1. The company adds its first employee to the platform: Max Mustermann. No licenses are required to create employees, which is why 50 licenses are still available.

2. Max Mustermann is then enrolled in his first training course, “Data Protection.” Therefore, a license is automatically assigned to it. 49 licenses are now still available for other employees.

3. Max is then enrolled in the “Cyber Security” course. Since Max has already been assigned a license, nothing changes: 49 licenses are still available for other employees.

How do I upgrade/downgrade my plan?

The selected plan can be upgraded or downgraded. Please contact our support team for this:

The contract period remains unchanged as a result of the upgrade/downgrade. An upgrade during the contract period takes effect immediately. A downgrade during the contract period only takes effect in the next year.

Which languages are offered?

All training courses are offered in German and English. Further languages are planned for the future in the Awareness Portal. Seven additional languages are already available for custom solutions. So if you need additional languages right now, feel free to contact us for a custom solution.

Do I need multiple plans?

No, you decide on a single plan. Depending on the plan you choose, your company has access to 1, 2, or 4 training areas.

What plans/packages are there and what do they include?

We offer three different plans: Starter, Professional, and Complete.

These plans vary in the number of training areas in which participants can betrained:

Starter: 1 training area

Professional: Up to 2 training areas

Complete: All 4 training areas

You can choose from the following training areas: data protection, occupational safety, cyber security and compliance.

The selected number of users indicates the annual license quota, i.e. how many employees can be trained in a year in total.

Does training have to be set up manually every year?

No, the training does not have to be set up manually every year. Once set up, course participants automatically receive an invitation to next year's training. You don't have to do anything else.

Which payment methods are offered?

At the moment, we offer payment by credit card: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diners Club, China UnionPay, Debit Cards.

In the next few months, we plan to add the following payment methods: Invoice

How do I set up my first training?

The first training can be set up in just a few minutes:

  1. Start on the overview
  2. Click on 'Add participant'
  3. Click on 'Create new employees. '
  4. Select participants
  5. Click 'Enroll'

1. Start on the overview

Select the desired course You can choose from the courses that have been selected with your plan.

2. Click on 'Add participant'

In this window, employees can be selected to enroll in the course. At the beginning, there is one employee: You. To add more employees, proceed as follows:

3. Click on “Create new employees”

In this window, new employees can be created so that they can then be enrolled in courses. There are two ways to add employees:

a. Manually create employees individually

b. Add upload via CSV

Click on “Create”: Congratulations! You've created your first employees.

4. Select participants

Now select the desired employees to enroll them as course participants.

5. Click 'Enroll'

The selected employees have just been enrolled in the course. All participants will receive an invitation by email, which gives them access to the course.

Do I need to make an appointment with your Support or Sales team in order to set up my trainings?

No, you do not have to. Of course, we're happy to help, but you can set up training courses yourself in just a few clicks using our self-service platform.