2,000+ customers put trust in us, from start-ups to large companies

Don't train the same thing every year!

The same security training every year? That's ineffective (and boring).

Introducing: The Cyber Security Learning Plan. A curriculum curated by specialists. Allowing you to train new content every year, increasing actual cyber security awareness and protecting your company long-term.

Explore course library

Year 1

Fit for Cyber Security

The important basics about top digital threats, phishing, passwords, and social engineering.

Year 2

Cyber Security Advanced

Identify and ward off current attack methods, e.g. “Next Level Phishing,” including a refresher of the basics.

Year 3

Cyber Security Refresher

Refresh the lessons from the basic and advanced courses with new examples and thus save time.

Full control: train what you want and whom you want. With the learning plan builder, you can choose freely from the course library. Whether its a one-off training or a multi-year learning plan. Whether you train all employees or specific target groups.

Get complete access and save 34%

The All-In-One plan offers comprehensive protection at the best price, while Flex offers a flexible solution for individual company requirements.

Explore prices


Choose only the training areas you need.



per user
per year

Data Protection

Data Protection

Cyber Security

Cyber Security

Occupational Safety

Occupational Safety





Get complete access to all training areas.



per user
per year

Data Protection

Cyber Security

Occupational Safety


Included in all trainings

1 license = many courses

Each license gives you access to all courses in the selected training area. The course library is constantly updated and expanded with new content.

Pre-curated learning plan

Each training area comes with a best-practice learning plan, pre-curated by experts, with varied courses, refreshers and specializations.

Training portal

It couldn't be easier: set up the training in 30 seconds, manage participants, export completion statistics and automate reminders. With dashboard.

Learning plan builder

Create your own learning plans from our course library for targeted, automated training courses — whether as a one-time course or a multi-year curriculum.


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Whether we're talking SSO & AD integration, entire awareness campaigns, your own branding or integration into the company LMS: we have the right solution.

Lass uns sprechen: Wir haben die passende Lösung.

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Ob SSO & AD Integration, ganze Awareness Kampagnen, eigenes Branding oder Einbindung ins Firmen-LMS: Wir haben die passende Lösung.


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We discuss your needs: IS-FOX Awareness Plattform or customized e-learning?

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