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The standard for sustainable awareness

IS-FOX is the awareness product brand of HvS-Consulting and offers e-learning, live events and phishing simulations for successful awareness raising.

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years of experience


satisfied customers

1 Mio +

trained employees


out of 5 stars in feedback


Security & e-learning specialist in one.

We help organizations protect themselves from risks with the right combination of technologies, processes, and people.


Since 2002, we have been increasing the security of medium-sized companies and corporations with security consulting, technical assessments, incident response and security awareness — always with the right sense of proportion.

E-learning specialist

We provide an easy-to-understand and intuitive learning experience, provide practical tips and create an understanding of safety-conscious behavior — among employees, managers, administrators, and developers.

Customers who trust in us

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Are you unsure which plan is right for you? We are happy to help you.