Cyber Security Advanced

33 mins

Identify and ward off current attack methods, e.g. “Next Level Phishing,” including a refresher of the basics.

Main chapter (10 min.)

How do attackers operate?

  • Movie: Anatomy of a cyber attack.
  • Who are the attackers?
  • What are their goals?

Main chapter (7 min.)

Dangerous file extensions

  • Which file extensions tend to be harmless, which are nasty?
  • Tip: Show file extensions
  • Dealing with macros

Main chapter (5 min.)

Multi-factor authentication

  • What does multi-factor authentication mean?
  • Why is that so good?
  • What types are there?
  • Residual risks.

Main chapter (11 min.)

Phishing next level

  • The clever tricks of the attackers: QR codes, 2-stage phishing.
  • The right approach to spotting phishing.
  • Phishing of multi-factor credentials
  • Social engineering on the phone and via teams.